Last week in Nashville at the
ALMOST ALONE workshop, we met a number of fun and exiting people and were saturated with the teaching of David Williams, a master photographer of over 30 years from Australia! Not only is he gifted in his photography, but is also a gifted teacher. Where our learning games for our little people were things like, draw us a map of where we are going and lead us there, his were things like, tell me what this light looks like, or look at this scene, now turn your back to it and tell me what you saw. His father, also a gifted photographer, began training David to "see" from the very beginning. What a legacy. And now he travels sharing that legacy with others! He says that, "All I do (or any other good teacher does), is help people up to the window to see...". Well, now we SEE! Thank you David for having the patience of Job with us.
This is his Clark Gable look, taken by Ron at
Chuck Arlund's loft studio the first evening. The learning continued well into the evening, even though the "session for the day" was officially over.

The grandparents of Chuck's wife Kristi opened their home to us for the week. I say opened their home, but they really opened their hearts to us as well. In that short time, we came to love them like they were family! This waterfall is in their back yard and empties into their pool. Lunch time was a wonderfully peaceful and rejuvenating break!

Part of our practice was to take turns posing and was my turn to pose and Ron's turn to shoot.

Obviously, in the group posing, cameras had to be set down, but others were good to pick up someoneelse's camera to record the happenings! I'm not sure who had my camera this time, but thank you!
I barrowed this one from
Wes Hope on our
DWF forum! Thanks Wes!

This is my rendition of trying to see with "David's eye".

The last evening together was Vietnamese night. This is David's favorite and we (Ron & I) had never had it before, so it was a new experience for us. Thankfully, David guided us in the right direction. Thanks again
Wes for letting me share your dinner picture!

We traveled home Friday, talking the whole way--through cloud bursts that made us have to slow to about 30 mph and then bright sunshine! We had a lot to digest and process, planning to use everything we possibly could to make Brigitte & Raymond's wedding the next day a story of images that they will never forget! Thank you again, David for lifting us up to the window to see...we see so much more and so much more clearly now!
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