We've decided that we like beginning the New Year in warm, sunny Florida! We left Arkansas on Thursday afternoon, with the night time lows being in the teens (unusual even for AR, but none the less, COLD)! We brought the plants that we could, into the house and covered the rest hoping that they would survive the freeze. Our flight left Little Rock a bit after 2 in the afternoon and landed in Houston on time. Our flight out was delayed, so it ended up being nearly midnight before we landed in Tampa. It had been a long day, but we were excited about what the week would bring. We got checked into our hotel (I'll edit and put the link later...I'm running out of internet time....) and crashed for the night. We awakened to this lovely view from our bay view window!

Sunset came and went and the first day of DWF came to a close...well, officially, but not completely...there were more friendships to develop and perspectives to share! Again, the day was long, but VERY rewarding.

Renee :)
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