We hope that everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July! What a wonderful country in which we live. It reminds me how grateful I am to be an American citizen. Freedom certainly comes with a price and we have and have had many over the years sacrifice much to preserve it. I want to say thank you to all of those who have served and are serving now. Our prayers are with you.
It was a great day at the Rader household. Ron and I got to play in what we fondly call our back yard paradise and grilled hamburger with fresh tomatoes! I could eat "summer" all year long.
We are excitedly looking forward to the August 12th bridal fair at the State House Convention Center! Lauren and Joe have graciously agreed to come and work with us for a couple of hours so that those of you that will be planning your wedding in the coming months will be able to speak first hand with one of our brides and grooms. We are hoping that one more couple will agree to come for the other part of the afternoon!
Photography is something that will not pass with the day. It remains with your for generations to come, so your choice of a photographic team is paramount! We look forward to seeing many of you next month. Please stop by and introduce yourself. We will have product for you to view that will show the evolution of time between now and the day when you say "I do."
Well, a mid-week holiday always serves to confuse my days, but we will have a new set of engagement pictures posted within the coming days! Lisa...it won't be long.