We had a celebration this weekend! Birthdays at our house are very special. We don't just celebrate one day, it usually lasts several. This weekend we celebrated another year of life for Ron, my best friend in the entire world. I could not have asked for a more special man to walk through life with me. Happy Birthday to my sweet man!
Daddy and his girls...

Gifts for the birthday boy...

Where did February go? We began working on the new website around the first of the month. When we began looking through the images created with clients, it brought back sweet memories. We work with awesome people, another thing for which we are grateful! As the month flew by and the launch of the new site drew near, we could hardly contain our excitement. As we made the transition to the new site and friends began taking a look, we began getting, WOW! Exactly what we wanted, because that is how we feel each time we have the privilege of recording a chapter of life for someone. Such an awesome responsibility, and oh, so much fun!
We also saw the Hendrix Softball girls play on Saturday! Now THAT'S a fun bunch of girls! Those pictures to follow tomorrow.