We took a few days to have some fun in the sun together as a family and enjoyed every minute of our first visit to Miami! It had been a few years since we had actually gone away on a vacation with all 4 of us, so this created some new fun memories. Three of us have birthdays in the next few weeks, so this was our birthday celebrations together as well. This was a shot from our balcony to the north our first night...

...and then in the daytime...the water was calm the first several days and no dangerous marine life. But our last day, the waves were crashing and the "jellies" had arrived!

Sporting a few days sun is our Natalie...


and us! This was our evening for birthday dinners and seafood was on the menu! Oh, if we could only get that kind of seafood at home.

Our last day in FL, we took a drive into the keys and visited
Robbie's Marina to feed the tarpon. Ron's brother vacations in the keys each February as a break from the Kansas City winter and is very familiar with

They line up, literally, and watch for you to offer them a fish. It is quite evident that some have learned the trade better than others, or at least for a longer lifetime. If you hold it just right, one of the more experienced will actually jump from the water to get the fish you are holding. If you are not quite quick enough...your hand and arm will go, along with the fish you are holding, into his sharp gullet. I didn't get the picture of that happening, but did get this one as he came out to retrieve his appetizer!

This was a fun finish to a relaxing few days. Our trip home was smooth and quick, thanks again to
Delta! Now our favorite airline and travel companion.
After a few days at home, today was initial set up for the bridal fair so, more about that in the next post!